Introduction to Build Tools
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▪ Application needs to be deployed on a production server
▪ For that, we want to package the application into a single moveable file (artifact), also called “building the code”
▪ This is what a build tool or package manager tool does
▪ Includes application code and all its dependencies.
▪ Compiling the code
▪ Compressing the code
▪ Package hundred of files to 1 single file
keep artifact in storage
to deploy in multiple times have backup
dev test production
▪ The storage where we keep the artifacts.
▪ To deploy it multiple times, have backup etc. For example, if we deploy the artifact to development server, then we are going to deploy this artifact on test env and maybe later on production env. Or if the dev server crash, we can deploy it again from backup.
▪ Examples: Nexus, Jfrog Artifactory